Reconstructions are not new, they play a central role in popular culture and art. Especially in contemporary art, however, reconstruction can offer a critical and reflective perspective, aimed more at comprehension than faithful reproduction. The book’s authors present several approaches to reconstruction, with variations on the theme reflecting the absence of consensus on the term used to designate the phenomenon – remake, reconstitution, reactivation. In different sections of the book, authors explore reconstruction first as a reflexive strategy, then as a performative response, and finally through examination of the specific case of the reconstruction offered by Galerie UQO in 2019 of the exhibition Jana Sterbak: States of Being/Corps à corps, presented at the National Gallery of Canada in 1991.
Table des matières
07 Introduction
Mélanie Boucher and Marie-Hélène Leblanc
A Reflective Strategy
21 Reconstituting Reconstitutes Exhibitions: Judy Chicago's The Dinner Party
Reesa Greenberg
37 Créer à rebours vers l'exposition : An Overview
Marie J. Jean
60 Créer à rebours vers l'exposition : The case of "Montreal, plus or minus?"
Marie Fraser
83 Making the Exhibition
Marie-Hélène Leblanc
A Performative Response
95 The Exhibition as Material /The Materiality of the Exhibition
Mathieu Copeland
115 From Reprise to Response: Fragments from a Conversation Between Sophie Bélair Clément and Vincent Bonin
Sophie Bélair Clément, Vincent Bonin
127 Passer au présent, passer à la présence : The Performance Practice of Prinz Gholam
Prinz Gholam
One Case Recounted
159 What Role for the Archive in Reconstittions? The Sterbak case-The Flesh Dress at the National Gallery
Mélanie Boucher
173 Food fo Thought: Jana Sterbak's Flesh Dress and the National Gallery of Canada
Diana Nemiroff
187 Voice of Fire and its Media Controversy: the Rhetoric and its Repercussions
Safa Jomaa
197 Exhibiting Flesh Dresses: the Cases of Jana Sterbak and Lady Gaga
Jessia Ragazzini